Stealth Phantom X Premium Stereo Gaming Headset - Black and Green


The Cheapest Stealth Phantom X Premium Stereo Gaming Headset - Black and Green on Amazon

Stealth Phantom X Premium Stereo Gaming Headset - Black and Green The Stealth Phantom X Premium Stereo gaming headset can be purchased separately from our website - the box includes six premium stereo speakers as well as four bass microphones. The Stealth Phantom X Premium Stereo Gaming Headset comes bundled with three USB 3.1 Type A ports, as well as an XLR adapter. Weve included an extensive guide to purchasing one of the Stealth Phantom X Premium Stereo Gaming Headsets below! Specifications Speakers & Features: Black and Green DAC: 12V (W) @ 2A, 13.35V (W) @ 4A Dimensions: 130x78x31mm Weight: 150g Includes headband, headband, and USB cable Keyboard: Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows 8 x64 Edition, Windows 7 Pro x64 Edition Speakers: Blue GFX: 1.5X RGB, 1.95X RGB, 1.95X RGB, 2.0X RGB or 2.4X RGB Sound DSPs: 2.0 Memory Card: DirectX 12 USB 3.1 Features: - The Stealth Phantom X Premium headset supports 3x XRGB color gamut. (PIX12-11) x1 - The Stealth Phantom X Premium headset supports 2.4x